Sunday, August 26, 2012

A whose time has dot.come

I'm wondering if there's a website called There must be, and I'm going to check as soon as I stop feeling too lazy to check. Actually it's not republicans per se that I find so odious—I always considered them a bit stuffy and old-fashioned and clinging doggedly to outdated ideas in the hopes that the good old days would somehow return. Did they ever read The Great Gatsby? So it's not the traditional republicans: it's the Grover Norquist-Paul Ryan branch of the party that wants to bring everything to a full stop. What they don't understand is that the world will move forward even without them and spit in their faces as it goes by. This antediluvian attitude of theirs in so many areas appeals to the basest instincts of people, mainly fear: more taxes will kill us; gay marriage will end childbirth; illegal immigrants will usurp the American worker; climate change is a myth. The list is endless. But the website could become a clearinghouse for these ideas, where people could read them and laugh at them and wait for all these right-wing bozos to eliminate themselves from significance. But we can't ignore them, any more than we can ignore a lunatic with a weapon. You can call him crazy, even prove him crazy, but the damage he does before he's disarmed can't be undone. And the way things are going, these lunatics are going to be heard from in all their troglodyte splendor unless those of us who haven't boarded the reverse time-machine begin to speak out as loudly and stridently as they do.

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